About Me
Hi, this is Rachit
(a.k.a. DiluteWater)
I am just a student from India who likes to code & build websites. I really like programming & exploring new technologies.
I recently learned Django & I'm very interested in web development.


I am currently a student of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, in 12 class
Academic Year : 2021 - 2022
My Skills
My creative skills & experiences.
I am still a learner. Currently, I am exploring different fields and learning more. I have explored front-end web development in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Along with this, I have also work in Back-end Web Development field in Django. I have also worked with technologies like Git, Github, Linux, etc. Currently I only know mostly Python, but I am planning to learn more languages like C, C++, JS etc. You might as well ask whats stopping you from learning them? the answer is EXAMS 😔.
Trivia Quiz
- Trivia Questions
- Ice Breaker
- Fun
- More than 3k questions
- Across 20+ Categories
Re-Dcrypt Bot
- Discord Bot
- Encoding/Decoding
- Ciphers/Encryptions
- Easy to use
- Discord.py
- Trivia Quiz
- Python GUI
- Many Themes
- Database
- Your Stats
Python, Tkinter GUI
Naxxatra Bot
- Discord Bot
- Bot for Naxxatra's Discord Server
- Wolfram Alpha API
- Trivia Fact
Python, Discord.py